Steel Demand Outlook:

A Focus On Asia

July 22, 2024

Event Overview

The first session in this year’s ASA Winter Webinar Series delved into the Asian steel market and explored the dynamics and forecasted trends set to impact ASA members.

We are currently facing a complex steel environment with economic forecasts and interest rates varying across the Asian region. China, however, remains in the driver’s seat. China’s dominant steel production is not slowing down with recent drops in their domestic demand, and an emerging oversupply situation is pushing export levels to highs not seen since 2015.

During this webinar, Owen Birrell, Senior Lead Equity Analyst from the Royal Bank of Canada examined the following key issues:

  • Why this situation is different now
  • Why it might last longer
  • What it means for regional steel markets


Owen also provided insights into the global steel supply and demand outlook and shared his perspectives on navigating the market in 2024.

Event Speaker

Owen Birrell

Owen Birrell

Senior Lead Equity Analyst

RBC Capital Markets