We champion the importance of a
Competitive & Fair Market
A fair playing field is vital for the survival of many businesses in the steel industry, along with those who rely on the products and services the sector produces.
We believe a strong steel industry is a competitive one. The ASA works on behalf of members to ensure the views, needs and concerns of all players, big and small, are heard and have a voice at the table.
Standards & Policy
ASA members have a seat at the table through our involvement providing Government bodies with guidance and feedback.
Industry News
Get access to exclusive reports such as import statistics, shipping and port updates, plus news on industry developments as they happen.
Networking & Events
Take advantage of our regular in-person and online events to connect with colleagues, build relationships and network.
An Independent Voice
In a local market dominated by several big players, it is essential to have a strong independent association representing the views of the wider industry. The ASA is your advocate for a fair and competitive environment. Members enjoy benefits including:
- NRepresentation at industry forums and Government inquiries
- NA seat at the table in policy and regulation negotiations
- NMarket statistics, insights and updates
- NA forum for networking and building connections

Become a Member Today
Keen to join the ASA community? We welcome members from every sector within the steel industry. Connect with our team to discuss membership packages.